Blog Post

How to Protect Yourself From Immigration Raids

Jan 10, 2016

DHS/ICE Is Conducting Raids

On January 4, 2016, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeh C. Johnson, made the announcement that the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS's) Immigration and Custody Enforcement (ICE) would be conducting raids to send people to deportation.

According to the secretary, no one who comes here illegally will be allowed to stay. You can read his statement here:

Supposedly, the focus of the raids are to take people that were (1) caught crossing the boarder after May 1, 2014; (2) were deported by an immigration judge; (3) don't have any appeals, or asylum claims.

The Controversy

These raids are violating people's rights, and creating fear in our communities. Many of the people coming in to the United States from Central America, and Mexico are escaping violent situations. Instead of helping, ICE seems to be doing what they can to get rid of them.

I actually had an ICE officer tell me that the reason he wasn't letting my client leave a detention center was because he wants my client to be deported. My client is an intelligent man, who was probably making double what this ICE officer makes. My client had to flee due to threats, kidnapping, and other things that happened. When the ICE officer told me it was obvious my client just wanted to steal the benefits of the United States, I laughed at him. 

Who would want to purposely come to the United States to put themselves in jail, have no job, and put up with racism? Definitely not someone like my client. People don't want to leave their homes, and lose everything they've ever worked for in their lives.

How to Protect Yourself?

You Have Rights

The Constitution of the United States says you have a right not to let people search you, and your home without permission. If an ICE agent comes to your door remember:


1) You don't have to open the door. Don't open the door. ICE is not allowed to come in unless they have a warrant. Ask them to slip the warrant under the door to prove they have a warrant. ICE will probably lie or try to trick you.


2)You have a right to remain silent. Don't say anything. Ask for a lawyer. Even if they threaten you, say nothing. They will threaten you.

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